List of mercury-free dentist, healthcare and service provider in New Mexico


John Augspurger, DDS
Nearby Dentist
Location: 455 South Hudson St, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80246
Phone: 303.333.9000 | E-mail:
Come experience Biological Dentistry in a state-of-the-art integrated medical/wellness facility called Thrive Integrated Health located in Denver, CO.  At Biodentist, we offer comfortable, safe mercury removal with air ionization that far exceeds other methods to remove toxic mercury gases.  We not only use but also improve upon all Huggins protocols, especially root canal removal and cavitations. We protect our patients’ health by creating a dental experience that is "safe", and have developed proprietary methods that are designed to increase comfort and healing capacity. We are committed to saving the life of your teeth and improving your health.  With nearly 20 years experience in holistic, integrated dentistry, our patient diagnosis and education experience is fully customized and integrated.



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