Mercury levels in baby food 'too high'

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James Meikle, health correspondent
Wednesday April 9, 2003
The Guardian

Babies are consuming too much mercury, with levels that may prompt new warnings over the eating of fish. Breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women have already been advised to limit their intake of species such as shark, swordfish and tuna because of the risk of damaging the nervous systems of their offspring. But new estimates of mercury levels indicate that babies between four and 12 months old are, in some cases, consuming twice the amount that the US environmental protection agency and British advisers deem safe for adults. The committee of toxicity in food is considering further action because the concentration of mercury in baby food may be twice as high as suggested in a survey in the late 1990s, although this may be due to more fish-based products being included in the more recent checks . The committee will also consider whether concentrations of zinc, nickel and arsenic in the diet of infants, which also exceed relevant safety guidelines in some cases, pose a risk. A push to cut levels of lead is already under way. The survey indicates that lead levels in infant food are relatively low and have probably fallen. Officials say such estimates should be treated with caution, questioning whether adult safety margins can be usefully applied to children, and point out the inability to distinguish between inorganic mercury and methylmercury, which has prompted wider concerns over oily fish. The mercury warning comes just weeks after advisers questioned the safety of soya-based infant formula milk, fearing it may affect children's sexual development and later fertility. The latest twist over mercury in fish coincides with a more wide-ranging review. The current view is that most Britons do not eat the weekly portion of oily fish, such as mackerel, herring, sardine or trout, which helps to ward off heart disease. But contam inants from polluted seas and rivers now found in fish are causing rising concern.

Baby food mercury concern

Parents are being reassured about mercury levels in baby foods despite reports suggesting high levels have been found.

A recent analysis of foods found a quarter of samples contained mercury, which on average was double that when baby food was last analysed three years ago. But experts say it is not yet possible to say if these levels are too high. Breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women have already been warned to limit their intake of fish such as shark, swordfish and tuna because of the risk of damaging the baby's nervous system as it develops.

Mercury is a contaminant. No one can stop it getting into food
Food Standards Agency spokeswoman

But the Food Standards Agency said these restrictions did not apply to baby foods. The Committee on Toxicity in Foods, which advises the agency, will look at the survey results and issue its recommendations next week. Factors such as whether it uses European or much lower American recommendations on mercury levels will affect its recommendations.


A spokeswoman for the FSA told BBC News Online the concern over mercury levels was linked to fears it could affect the development of the baby's nervous system while it was in the womb or being breastfed, rather than when the baby was old enough to eat baby food She said the COT recommendations would look at how much mercury-containing food babies eat. She added parents would not be able to eradicate mercury from their children's diet. "Mercury is a contaminant. No one can stop it getting into food. "The COT will need to assess whether babies young enough to be eating baby food are a high-risk group. "Then they will need to look at what measure, and what calculation could be used to measure levels of consumption." All these factors will influence the COT's decision, she said.


Eating fish is regarded as the main source of mercury exposure. But only seven of the 180 samples of baby foods examined contained fish. The COT will also consider whether levels of zinc, nickel and arsenic in babies' food are safe.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2003/04/09 11:20:28


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