
It is the Mission of Consumers for Dental Choice to protect the health of dental consumers and the environment by abolishing the use of mercury amalgam dental fillings.


Goals and Strategies:

  1. To educate dental consumers
    • By seeking media exposure for the hazards of mercury amalgams
    • Ending the ADA’s notorious gag rule so dentists may give full and truthful information to patients and the public.
    • Stopping the ADA’s promotion of mercury amalgams under the deceptive term “silver” fillings, stopping misrepresentations of amalgam as “inert,” and other untruthful information.
  2. To bring about informed consent
    • Consumers should be told the health risks of mercury amalgam, in advance.
    • Specific laws in states such as California, Maine, Arizona, and New Hampshire that mandate informed consent should be enforced, as should each of the 50 state consumer protection laws.
  3. To end the use of mercury amalgams by 2008
    • The use of mercury amalgam has declined from two-thirds to one-third over the past decade. It is now time to complete the job!
    • Particular attention must be paid to children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers, to whom warnings are already given in many countries and in manufacturer warnings – but which warnings are hidden in the United States.
  4. To give choice not to receive mercury fillings
    • As we move toward mercury-free dentistry, it is important that insurance plans, Medicaid, and other third-party payment systems not mandate mercury fillings.
    • Thus we work with business, labor, state Medicaid programs, and others to bring about choice for working families.
  5. To bring about environmental awareness of the colossal contribution of mercury from amalgam
    • Work with environmental enforcement officials, environmental organizations, and environmentally conscious consumers to bring about awareness that choosing amalgam means harming the environment.
© Copyright 2003-2024 Consumers for Dental Choice, Inc.